South Georgia Pride’s Privacy Statement
By using any part of South Georgia Pride’s website, social media, or 3rd party sites, referred to as Network, you are accepting the following privacy statement. it is your duty to be familiar with this statement.
What Information is collected and how
South Georgia Pride may collect various data across it’s Network.
Cookies may be used gather broad demographic information about you, to deliver user-specific content specific to your interest, and to auto-fill forms with your demographic information so that you don't have to manually type that information each time you visit. A cookie is a small line of data that is stored on your hard drive. Some cookies are only stored for the duration of a single browser session; others persist across sessions. Information you provide to us voluntarily is NOT stored in the cookie; that information is kept encrypted and secure in our database. All cookies assigned by our Network are anonymous, random number strings; neither us nor our advertisers will know who you are unless you specifically provide that information to us.
Polls and Surveys SGP may conduct polls and surveys on our Network. Any response to polls or surveys are optional and all information provided is done so voluntarily. South Georgia Pride will never sale or provide personally identifiable information without your consent.
Feedback South Georgia Pride stores feedback and uses it to improve SGP and it’s programs.
Event, Vendor, Sponsor and Other registrations At times, you will be asked to register for events, as a vendor or sponsor, for newsletter and information, or for other stated uses. Any information gathered will only be used for administrative purposes and will never be sold or provide personally identifiable information.
Third-party Information Collection Organizations that place advertising on our Network occasionally will utilize Cookies or Mobile Unique Identifiers in order to deliver advertising that is targeted to you. South Georgia Pride does not control third-party use of such data.